

the new light shines in 2021, sijia is on new journey of 2022

2022-02-21    source:    hit:43

because of your support and company

sijia reap the prosperity development of 2021

may the future continue to move forward hand in hand towards a better future.

sijia group wishes you a happy new year


no.1  contribute to the global fight against the epidemic


the multi-chamber combination dura-film shelter laboratory built by sijia membrane-falcon and huoyan laboratory assisted guangzhou, jiangsu, xiamen, putian, tianjin and other provinces and cities in the front-line nucleic acid detection work in anti-epidemic.


no.2  low carbon emission reduction, green olympics, sijia support beijing winter olympic


sijia membrane provides the landing scheme of temporary facilities for the three major competition areas of the beijing winter olympic games. it takes advantage of modular temporary buildings, which can be freely spliced and kept warm and cold. it is used as a spectator watching system, an athlete service system, as well as a functional room for tv broadcasting, epidemic prevention and logistics; it is convenient to dismantle and be less construction waste, and it can also take into account the convenience of facility recycling and sustainable development, and implement the concept of "green olympics".


sijia tent material support 2022 beijing winter olympics

no.3  "escort" distinguished event


in october 2021, the camouflage tent material of sijia was used for military tent in china air show (zhuhai).

in september 2021, sijia's new tent material was used for mobile building tents in xi'an national games.


no.4  create an intelligent, digital and internationalized green ecological fuqing industrial park


on february 20, 2021, the signing ceremony of fuqing sijia new material science and technology industrial park was successfully held. the project will be built into the third largest production base of sijia group: "sijia (fuqing) industrial park", which runs through the new pattern of collaborative innovation and development of the three major new material production bases. we will further develop the comprehensive advantages of green product design, functional technology research and development, ecological and environmental protection intelligent manufacturing, sustainable technology services and supporting upstream and downstream industrial chains to achieve high-quality development of the group.

sijia (fuqing) industrial park


no.5  input intelligent devices, reduce energy consumption and increase production speed


in 2021, sijia group invested a number of intelligent production lines of double wall fabric and high-precision wide functional material and automation equipment for double wall fabric to shorten the product development and production cycle, continuously improve its own product quality, create a reliable, safe and efficient information production operation mode, accelerate the operation efficiency of the company, improve the core competitiveness of the group and serve 18 global fields.


no.6  national standard marker


on october 11, 2021, fujian sijia participated in the "low temperature bending test for rubber or plastic-coated fabrics" and sijia shanghai participated in the drafting of the "taber method for the determination of abrasion resistance of rubber or plastic-coated fabrics", which will be implemented in may 2022.

on february 9, 2021, fujian provincial standard "test method for air tightness of multilayer fiber cloth/pvc hollow composite materials" was drafted by fujian sijia, fuzhou university and yifangda company, and implemented on may 9.

sijia participated in the drafting of local standards and national standards, providing reference standards for the industry and contributing to sijia's strength.

no.7  the development of sijia with other two parties


according to the market development trend, the r &d team of sijia has developed and innovated, delivered a number of new products for the market, such as sijia carbon crystal wallboard, sijia super core pp floor, sijia magic colorful cloth composite and so on, and obtained a number of national patents.

sijia group products

national patent

at the same time, it has established industry university research cooperation with the school of new chemical materials industry of minjiang university and the school of foreign languages of minjiang university to jointly build laboratories and jointly cultivate professionals. through industry university research cooperation, the group's technical r & d strength has been further upgraded.

sijia group joins hands with the school of new chemical materials industry of minjiang university to jointly promote the integration of industry and teaching.

sijia group cooperates with minjiang college of foreign languages to jointly cultivate foreign language application-oriented talents.

no.8  launch cost management and digital factory projects to boost high-quality development


in order to further improve the group's comprehensive management level, optimize management details and realize digital management, sijia launched two management upgrading projects: cost and comprehensive management guidance and digital chemical plant construction, which helped the group further realize a more efficient and scientific digital management mode.

sijia group cost and integrated management coaching launch ceremony

sijia group digital development planning mobilization meeting

no.9  society honour


1. fujian sijia was listed as the "top 100 strategic emerging industry enterprises" in fujian in 2021, as well as the list of leading industrial enterprises in fujian province published by the department of industry and information technology of fujian province.

2. mr. lin shengxiong, chairman of sijia, was rated as "outstanding private entrepreneur in fujian province" by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and was elected president of fujian plastics industry association.

3.mr. huang wanneng, chief engineer of sijia group, won the title of "2021 fuzhou craftsman person of the year".

4.in 2021, fujian sijia won the "may day labor award of fujian province in 2021".

no.10  sijia super core building materials brand building


1. enter the 3 major e-commerce platforms


in november 2021, the sijia super core flagship store was on line the platforms of tik tok, tmall, pinduoduo, and built online and offline marketing service mode.

2. promote brand building with innovative aesthetics


in 2021, sijia's super core building materials business department held a designer salon in fuzhou to strengthen brand promotion and deepen brand impression around "aesthetics of new materials and beauty of design".

sijia has officially reached a strategic cooperation with the famous brand meisheng yaheng of chinese elastic floor accessories to strengthen the control of product accessories and further ensure the project quality.

sijia signed a strategic cooperation agreement with fujian meinaikang company on the technical achievements of "tpu commercial waterproof membrane", and fully deployed the development of tpu waterproof membrane.

sijia won the brand recognized by guangxi architectural decoration designers and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with strait design to deliver more beautiful and applicable building materials products to the market.

based on professional design, sijia super core is committed to establish a win-win and sustainable strategic cooperation relationship with our partners, further improving the operation efficiency of the group's brand, realizing future market expansion and creating greater brand value.

no.11 promote "carbon neutrality, carbon peak"

      green concept of environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction


1. green power construction


in may 2021, fujian sijia joined hands with fujian mingao new energy technology co., ltd. to start construction of fujian's first application of flexible lightweight components and combination of various integrated energy---1.2mw distributed photovoltaic power generation (phase i) and green integrated energy demonstration project. through the combination of photovoltaic power generation, production and energy saving, the project will deep the overall environmental protection benefit of the industrial park and build an ecological civilization sijia industrial park.


2. sijia green industrial park project

green material

strengthen supply chain procurement management and production process optimization, and continue to replace harmful raw materials with green raw materials.


the control of environmental protection

introduce the concept of green development in the whole life cycle of products, strengthen environmental control of raw materials, production process, application and other links.


water resource

the cooling tower in the factory adopts the closed-cycle, air-cooling process and water-saving equipment to realize the recycling of production water and improve the utilization rate of resources.


green energy, environmental protection and emission reduction

complete the environmental ecological boiler technical renovation project; achieve green clean energy low-carbon use plant; implement energy saving, consumption reduction and emission reduction.

3. won the "green factory" title


sijia group deeply practices the concept of green manufacturing and takes the initiative to meet the requirements of green manufacturing system construction and industrial green development. after sijia (fuzhou)  industrial park won the title of provincial green factory in 2020, sijia (shanghai) industrial park also won the title of "green factory" in 2021.

no.12  remain our true original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind

   repay to the society and contribute sijia's strength


1. the healthy development of sijia

in 2021, sijia's communist party branch reviewed the oath of joining the party, the municipal model worker recounted the communist party's history, sijia's second generation drew the party's manuscript to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with a variety of rich celebrations.

under the leadership of chairman lin, secretary of the communist party branch of sijia, sijia will continue to promote the deep integration of party construction and development, and provide strong spiritual motivation and ideological guarantee for the construction of various undertakings of the group.

2. integrity oath, excellent commendation, sijia people are full of high spirit

on january 15, 2022, sijia's annual-summary and commendation conference was grandly held. the hard-working sijia people solemnly swear to inherit the traditional style of team integrity and self-discipline.

integrity and self-discipline swear

3. sijia continued public welfare in 2021

in 2021, fujian sijia donated a total of more than 5 million rmb to carry out various public welfare and charitable activities. it helps consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and fund education.  

on the road of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, sijia will continue to promote the interconnection of the advantages of help each other, explore the forms of environmental help on the road of rural ecological revitalization and industrial revitalization, repay to the society with the feelings of gratitude.


no.13  a supply chain system that drives effective operations


in 2021, sijia strengthened the exchange communication of green design product with decathlon, arjo and other global brands of terminal products; friendly communicated with wanhua chemical, haiwan chemical, basf and other supply chains; continued to promote the cooperation of upstream and downstream industrial chain ecological design; actively innovated the ecological supply chain, promoted the development of sustainable industrial chain, and promoted the global low-carbon and green development.

the world chemical industry giant-- basf, visited sijia

 the chairman of haiwan chemical and his group members came to sijia for an exchange of ideas

the seminar with yifangda

visiting decathlon

discuss with liri-tents company about tent material project for beijing 2022 winter olympic winter games

no.14  cultural development

"sijia year-end summary commendation conference"

on january 15, 2022, sijia annual summary and commendation conference was held. the energetic sijia people presented creative and meaningful annual performances and received various awards. rigorous, lively, self-disciplined and innovative, sijia people will stride into 2022 with high spirit.  



on new journey

no.1  layout srm platform

1. build an ecological supply chain

2. layout srm platform and connect upstream suppliers.

3. export with the decathlon psv platform, establish digital contacts with downstream customers to exchange production and sales information.

4. establish the enms platform to connect with miit (ministry of industry and information technology) erp (enterprise resource planning) platform and the decathlon ra platform, which can upload energy consumption data in real time, and strive to reduce carbon emissions.

5. establish mes platform, connect with production equipment plc through mqtt protocol, and master production data in real time.

6. real-time collection of production data and promote the upgradation of production process standardization.


in 2022, digitalization and informatization will connect all links of the group and the upstream and downstream industrial chains into one, try to achieve mutual success and achieve a win-win situation.


no.2  implement major strategic layouts

based on the sijia "10 " cultural system, sijia group builds a corporate culture and spiritual civilization that promotes goodness, leads the management of talents, quality, safety, market and other aspects of the group, and communicates with the public of the group through "sijia people" to spread the sijia culture, build an ecological, civilized and healthy sijia industrial park, and drive the high-quality development of the group.

at the same time, during the national "14th five-year plan" period, sijia will focus on the management of the group's sales growth, product layout, technological innovation, organizational structure change, team building and other aspects.


no.3  construction of fuqing industrial park

sijia industrial park(fuqing), as the third largest production base of sijia group, sijia will run through the new pattern of collaborative innovation and development of the three major new material production bases, and further develop green product design, functional technology research and development, ecological and environmental protection intelligent manufacturing, and sustainable technology services and comprehensive advantages such as upstream and downstream industrial chain support, in order to achieve high-quality development of the group.



no.4  sijia (fuzhou) industrial park

       intelligence, digitization, automation


no.5  sijia (shanghai) industrial park

       changzhou factory expanded


no.6  establish technology research and development departments

1. establish the technology branch no.1, no.2, and no.3

2. drive product innovation

3. create value for customers


no.7 deepen management innovation, breakthrough lean management, safety and environmental protection management


no.8  realize a happy and beautiful life in both material and spiritual aspects for sijia people


no.9  never forget why we started and shoulder social responsibility


no.10 the same step development of industrial giant supply chain

        achieve efficient, correct and sustainable digitization strategic target




in 2022, we are high-spirited and full of expectations. let's move forward hand in hand and look forward to the future. all the staff of sijia group wish you and your family an auspicious spring festival, peaceful, happy, and healthy.


in the year of tiger, we also wish our great motherland fair weather, prosperity, splendid mountains and rivers, people at peace.


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