

new year new start: sijia group new material technology industrial park project landed in jiangyin, fuqing

2021-02-24    source:    hit:14

on february 20, 2021 at noon, the signing ceremony of sijia new material technology industrial park project was held in fuqing rongqiao hotel. liu zhuoqun, member of the standing committee of the fuzhou municipal party committee and secretary of the fuqing municipal party committee, zhang xinyi, deputy secretary of the fuqing municipal party committee and mayor, liu bijian, member of the standing committee of the fuqing municipal party committee, gao shuangcheng, secretary of the party committee and director of the management committee of jiangyin gangcheng economic zone, fuqing city, lin chuanxuan, deputy mayor of the people's government of fuqing city, and the municipal party committee office, municipal office, bureau of commerce and other functional departments attended the signing ceremony. the signing representative of sijia upstream industry chain enterprises and professor wu lixin, haixi research institute of the chinese academy of sciences, attended the signing ceremony.

at the signing ceremony, sijia group signed investment contracts with jiangyin gangcheng economic zone for the sijia new material technology industrial park project, signed an agreement of intent to settle in the industrial park with sijia upstream industrial chain enterprises and signed a technical cooperation agreement with the haixi research institute of the chinese academy of sciences for the sijia group composite materials technology research institute.

sijia new material technology industrial park is a key project of sijia group in the jiangyin gangcheng economic zone of fuzhou. with the newly registered "fujian sijia new material technology co., ltd." as the main body of project construction and operation, preparing to build a national laboratory to develop new material technology research and development and its industrialization practice.

as an important layout for the development of sijia group's industrial chain, this project is a strategic decision made by the group combining the industrial chain supporting synergies of jiangyin port city economic zone and the advantages of port cities.

the first phase of the project is planned to cover an area of 300 acres, after completion, it will mainly carry out the large-scale production and operation of vinyl flooring, high-performance fibers and composite materials, and purchase some production raw materials from local upstream companies to form an upstream and downstream industry chain of new chemical materials, to create advantageous conditions for upstream and downstream cooperation in new material technology research and development, greatly shorten the matching time of upstream raw materials, and realize a more efficient and high-quality development model, at the same time, it will promote the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries in jiangyin gangcheng economic zone. the second phase of the project covers an area of 330 acres. it will introduce more upstream and downstream industry chain companies to coordinately realize technological innovations in product green design and resource recycling, build the first multi-process, environmentally friendly upstream and downstream industrial chain new material production base in china, and a global intelligent manufacturing base for large-scale space airtight new materials.

after the completion of the fuqing sijia new material technology industrial park, it will become the third largest production base of sijia group. relying on the unique geographical location and modern collection and distribution system of jiangyin port city, it will cooperate with the fuzhou sijia production base and the shanghai sijia production base. together they form a large-scale operation and create a competitive advantage for serving the domestic and international markets more efficiently.

the fifth plenary session of the nineteenth central committee of the party proposed, during the 14th five-year plan period, the theme of economic and social development should be the promotion of high-quality development. this is a scientific judgment based on chinese development stage, development environment, and changes in development conditions.

by creating a new pattern of collaborative innovation and development for three major production bases, the sijia group will further leverage on its r&d advantages, technical service advantages, production capacity advantages, logistics advantages, and upstream and downstream industrial chain supporting comprehensive advantages, and closely follow the development trend of the new material industry and market demand to achieve high-quality development of the group, improve product green design and technological innovation capabilities by developing new polymer functional materials, through the introduction of advanced equipment and manufacturing system information integration, the manufacturing process is intelligent, standardized, efficient and intensive, and the core competitiveness of the group is continuously enhanced, focusing on the innovation chain, we will build an industrial chain and form an ecological chain to contribute "high-tech power" to the rapid development of the society and economy of fuqing and fuzhou. 

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