

sijia antibacterial tent material, helping to build nucleic acid testing accelerator

2020-12-12    source:    hit:28

in mid-october, a small-scale epidemic broke out in qingdao, sijia and broadwell cooperated again to build a fast-mounting modular nucleic acid laboratory to improve the capability of nucleic acid testing, helping qingdao successfully complete the nationwide nucleic acid testing task. in this nucleicacid laboratory project, sijia antibacterial tent material was selected as the manufacturing material.

the surface of sijia antibacterial tent material does not support bacterial growth, playing a role in preventing mold and antibacterial, helping to create a working environment that meets the bio-safety standards of virustesting laboratories and protect the safety of inspectors.

in this project, the broadwell nucleic acid laboratory can beinstalled completely within 2~4 hours, putting into use quickly, fully demonstrating the features of sijia antibacterial tent materials that areconvenient to use, fast to build, easy to disassemble and relocate. it can bereused to realize flexible site selection to meet the testing needs of different periods and regions. when it not be inflated, the product is small insize and can be transported globally by cargo plane, which greatly reduces product transportation costs.

in addition to laboratories, sijia antibacterial tent materials arealso suitable for the construction of temporary epidemic prevention hospitals, large stadiums, and other construction sites.

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