

sijia held the 2020 commendation meeting for employee’s children to be admitted to universities

2020-10-30    source:    hit:2

on the evening of october 13,sijia held 2020 recognitionmeeting.it expressed warm congratulations and kind care to employees whosechildren were successfully admitted to colleges and universities,and issuedcertificates and awards to them.

this year,the children of sijia’s employees wereadmitted to fuzhou university,nanchang university,xi’an institute oftechnology,fujian university of technology.at the scene,the parents are allsmiled.“i am very happy that my child admitted tocolleges,i can relax temporarily.”said employee chen youman.in addition,hedali,a  front-line production worker,hischild graduated as doctoral student from tsinghua university this year.

it’s not only the pride of the family,but also the prideof the company that the children of sijia’s employees be admitted to collegesand universities.“employee’s children can also come tosijia,the company will provide them with an employment platform and givepriority to admission.”said liao basheng,general manager of sijia.
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