

sijia holds the 2020 lean production line management skills competition

2020-09-11    source:    hit:40

in order to test and further improve the business knowledge and operational skills of front-line employees, fully mobilize the initiative and creativity, and form a good working atmosphere, sijia group held the annual production line lean management skills competition in 2020 from august 3 to august 31.

the production line lean management skills competition is jointly launched by the sijia lean management promotion office and the general office. there are two competition items,the pre-class meeting competition and opl education, and a special evaluation team is set up to be responsible for the organization, supervision and evaluation of the activities.


in the appraisal activities in the past month, all participating teams actively participated, showing a good spirit of teamwork and solid foundation. after the competition, the assessment team inspected, evaluated, and summarized in accordance with the evaluation standards, and announced the results of the competition at the 15th lean management summary conference on september 2, and selected the winners of the pre-class meeting competition and opl bit of education. the teams with the first prize, second prize and third prize will be commended and rewarded.


this competition is not only an effective carrier for sijia to carry out lean management, but also a demonstration and improvement of the company's lean management activities and employees' mental outlook. the competition is conducive to promoting the full penetration of lean thinking, and realizing that the lean concept is truly deeply rooted in the mind and heart, so as to encourage employees to consciously work in accordance with lean standards, truly improve team capabilities, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of excellent classes.

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